Brightspace - Distance Learning

What Is It

Farmingdale State College understands the flexible scheduling and independent learning opportunities that today's students expect. The Office of Distance Learning's mission is providing our students quality distance learning education and supporting our faculty in doing so.

Desire2Learn’s Brightspace was selected by SUNY in fall of 2021 as the LMS of choice, with a system-wide implementation mandate to create a unified student experience throughout SUNY campuses.

To learn more, visit the Distance Learning webpage.

Who Is Eligible to Use It

This service is provided for Students, Faculty and Staff.


How to Request

Need additional information or assistance, contact Distance Learning at 934-420-5300 or email

Get Help

  Whitman Hall 218



Service ID: 7806
Wed 10/11/23 11:10 AM
Wed 2/7/24 9:51 AM